Created by Delaware Tech Agriculture Students

A helpful resource for anyone seeking knowledge and advice about anything "Green".

Welcome To Our Blog

Welcome to our blog. Delaware Tech Green Thumb is a creation of students in the "Landscape Plant Materials" course in the Applied Agriculture department. In designing the blog, one area we have concentrated on is native plants. "Native" in the sense that they originated on our continent; this is in an effort to halt the spread of non-native plants which often aggressively edge-out and wipe out our native plants. The use of native plants is good for our environment, increasing our important biodiversity of birds, insects, and other animals. Check out the tab above for some suggestions for common native plants that you can substitute in your home garden.

We hope you will enjoy the blog and find it useful in your gardening activities. Please visit the Plant Sale section of our blog to see available plants offered at our spring plant sale, date TBA (sometime end of April, first of May).